Cabelo liso e alisado é a mesma coisa?

Is straight and straightened hair the same thing?

Have you ever wondered if straight and straightened hair should receive the same care, since they have the same texture?

Despite having the same shape, these two types of strands are very different: the hair structure, is altered when it is straightened and, therefore, you must invest in specific care and cosmetics for the damaged hair fiber. Naturally straight hair will have tighter cuticles, which makes it always aligned, therefore, the chemical process through which the fiber goes, makes its structure porous, sensitive and cause a lack of nutrients, which demands the use of suitable products and treatments that are able to restore its health and good looks.

Would you like to know more about the types of products that are ideal for both types of hair? Leave it in the comments and we’ll make a special article for you, or get in touch with our Customer Service department right now to have all your questions answered.

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